Esoteric Club

Grand Junction Masonic Center 2400 Consistory Ct., Grand Junction, CO, United States of America

This is the weekly meeting of the Grand Junction Masonic Essoteric Club.


Early Bird Breakfast

Strayhorn Grill 456 Kokopelli Blvd, Fruita, CO, United States of America

Start your Friday off right by joining us for breakfast at the Strayhorn Grill in Fruita. Every Friday, 8 AM. All Masons, friends, and prospective members are welcome.


GJ Lodge Stated Communication

Grand Junction Masonic Center 2400 Consistory Ct., Grand Junction, CO, United States of America

January Grand Junction Lodge Stated Communication


El Jebel – Western Colorado Shrine Club Visit

Grand Junction Masonic Center 2400 Consistory Ct., Grand Junction, CO, United States of America

Potentate Doug Kelly and his Divan will be traveling to Grand Junction on Saturday, February 1st for a new Noble Ceremonial and Installation of Officers for the Western Colorado Shrine […]


Western Colorado Shrine Club Monthly Meeting

Strayhorn Grill 456 Kokopelli Blvd, Fruita, CO, United States of America

The January meeting of the Western Colorado Shrine Club will be on Tuesday, January 14th. We will be meeting at the Strayhorn Grill in Fruita at 6 PM. Please RSVP […]


Esoteric Club

Grand Junction Masonic Center 2400 Consistory Ct., Grand Junction, CO, United States of America

This is the weekly meeting of the Grand Junction Masonic Essoteric Club.


DeMolay Boys Meeting

Grand Junction Masonic Center 2400 Consistory Ct., Grand Junction, CO, United States of America

The second meeting of DeMolay Boys Columbine Chapter – January


Mesa Lodge Practice

Grand Junction Masonic Center 2400 Consistory Ct., Grand Junction, CO, United States of America

Mesa Lodge will hold a practice for opening/closing lodge, the Masonic Funeral Service, or any degree work you wish to work on, on Thursday, January 16th at 7 PM.

Early Bird Breakfast

Strayhorn Grill 456 Kokopelli Blvd, Fruita, CO, United States of America

Start your Friday off right by joining us for breakfast at the Strayhorn Grill in Fruita. Every Friday, 8 AM. All Masons, friends, and prospective members are welcome.
