The Grand Junction Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite bodies meet on the third Monday of each month except July and August.
Use the link below to access the Scottish Rite Rite Care website for Colorado.
Email Us: scottishrite@masonicfamilygj.org
2024 Scottish Rite Reunion
The 90th Reunion of the Grand Junction Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry will be held on Friday, May 3rd, and Saturday, May 4th, 2024.
Rite Care Foundation Reports
- RiteCare October 2023 News (PDF)
- 2022 Rite Care Foundation Report (video)
Upcoming Events
Montrose Lodge of Perfection
Greg Foster, 32o | Venerable Master |
Harry Clark, 32o | Senior Warden |
Chris Eglet, 32o | Junior Warden |
Ian Hughes, 32o | Master of Ceremonies |
Darrell Manroe, 32o | Expert |
Tim Claypool, 32° | Guardian of the Host |
Glenwood Chapter of Rose Croix
John Groves, 33° | Wise Master |
Joe Wells, 32° KCCH | Senior Warden |
Jason Kohles, 32° | Junior Warden |
Randy Melton, 32° | Master of Ceremonies |
Andrew Weber, 32° | Expert |
Andrew BE, 32° | Guardian of the Temple |
Gunnison Council of Kadosh
Mike Briscoe, 32o KCCH | Commander |
Harry Clark, 32o | 1st Lt. Commander |
Mike Murphy, 32° | 2nd Lt. Commander |
Ian Hughes, 32o | Marshal of Ceremonies |
Glen Phelps, 32o | Chancellor |
Darrell Manroe, 32o | Lt. of the Guard |
Grand Junction Consistory
Joe Wells, 32o KCCH | Master of Kadosh |
Edward Trollinger, 32o | Prior |
Ian Hughes, 32° | Preceptor |
Randy Melton, 32o | Marshal of Ceremonies |
William Marshall, 33° | Chancellor |
Aaron Brewer, 32o | Captain of the Guard |
Officers of All Bodies
Lee Anderson, 32o | Orator |
Randy Melton, 33 | Almoner |
Jeffrey Bush, 32o KCCH | Treasurer |
Jimmy McBride, 33o | Tiler |
Wayne Quade, 32o | Prelate |
William Nickell, 33o | Secretary |