All-Masonic Practice Night

Grand Junction Masonic Center 2400 Consistory Ct., Grand Junction, CO, United States of America

All-Masonic Practice Night


DeMolay Boys

Grand Junction Masonic Center 2400 Consistory Ct., Grand Junction, CO, United States of America

The second meeting of the month the DeMolay Boys


Early Bird Breakfast

Strayhorn Grill 456 Kokopelli Blvd, Fruita, CO, United States of America

Weekly breakfast of Masons and friends


Spring Degree Day

Grand Junction Masonic Center 2400 Consistory Ct., Grand Junction, CO, United States of America

Mesa Lodge is hosting a Master Mason Degree, Fellow Craft Degree, and Entered Apprentice Degrees

Palisade Lodge No. 125 Practice

Grand Junction Masonic Center 2400 Consistory Ct., Grand Junction, CO, United States of America

Palisade Lodge Officer Practice


Early Bird Breakfast

Strayhorn Grill 456 Kokopelli Blvd, Fruita, CO, United States of America

Weekly breakfast of Masons and friends


All-Masonic Open House

Grand Junction Masonic Center 2400 Consistory Ct., Grand Junction, CO, United States of America

This is an open house for those that are interested in learning more about Freemasonry and its other bodies.


York Rite (Council)

Mount Lamborn Lodge No. 102 178 E Hotchkiss Avenue, Hotchkiss, CO, United States

This is the monthly meeting of the Delta York Rite Bodies


Mesa Lodge No. 55 Stated Communication

Grand Junction Masonic Center 2400 Consistory Ct., Grand Junction, CO, United States of America

Mesa Lodge Stated Communication


Early Bird Breakfast

Strayhorn Grill 456 Kokopelli Blvd, Fruita, CO, United States of America

Weekly breakfast of Masons and friends
